ul. Opolska 140, 52-014 Wrocław




The quality system


  • We maintain and improve the integrated management system based on PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 standards  
  • Effective implementation and functioning of management systems has been confirmed by independent accreditation bodies (PCA) and certification bodies (BVC Polska Sp. z o.o.).


Proficiency testing - PT


  • In order to ensure and improve service quality we participate in interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency testings organized by foreign and domestic agencies. We possess also various certified standard materials. Their analysis during routine sample assays is used for controlling the quality of analyses in our laboratory.




AB 1249

zakres akredytacji

DM Laboratory

for environmental analysis provides services in research and development in the area of natural and chemical science, and environmental protection.



 ul. Opolska 140, 52-014 Wrocław



 +48 722 15 26 51

